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Commercial dance is being seen more and more in music videos recently, im sure you've all seen JBS exciting new project! Heres my thoughts on it and a bit about music videos that have inspired me!

Something that has really inspired me within the commercial industry recently is Justin Biebers ‘Purpose: TheMovement’ project. Justin Bieber released an album and for every song was a music video that contained a piece of choreography. This went viral over twitter and social media and did a lot for dance. The choreography really inspired me but two videos really stood out to me as they are completely different but equally amazing!

The first music video that really inspired me was Justin Biebers video ‘Sorry’. This video consists of a group of commercial dancers all female dancing and freestyling to the song. What I liked most about it was how relatable it is to commercial dance today, most the movements are what you would find in choreography at most commercial classes. The style of dancing really appealed to me as it’s a style I most enjoy and would like to continue after my training. I think the biggest inspirational aspect of this video is the choreography which was done by Biebers choreographer Parris Goebel. The choreography is really creative, dynamic and elaborate and all the dancers execute it so well. I was also inspired by the individuality of the dancers; they all brought something to the music video which has made me want to find my own individual style and originality within my dancing. Seeing this video essentially gave me aspiration to become as good as I can at commercial so I can therefore dance in videos like this.

Another video I was also inspired by was also one of Justin Biebers videos called ‘life is worth living’. However, although it’s in the same project by the same choreographer this dance is very different. It’s still a commercial dance piece but it is more in the style of contemporary hip-hop. This dance is a duet danced by a male and female which involves a lot of lifts and contact work. The song sorry is more of an upbeat hard hitting song whereas this song is slow and lyrical just like the choreography. My reasoning as to why this has inspired me is because of the deep connection with the two dancers, they interact well with each other and the lifts look like they are done so easily. This has inspired me to work on creating a character when dancing any style as you can really see the characterisation between the two dancers as they show a purpose and connection between them. The dance in sorry would be a lot easier for me to perform as I am used to the characterisation and style of that dance. However, this dance would be a lot harder for me to do because it’s not a style im used to, which is why after watching this I was inspired to get better at it and work on character used within this style. I was really moved by this piece and how technically challenging it is, this is something I would really like to progress in which is another reason why it inspired me.

Although both pieces were hugely different they both equally made me want to try harder in all aspects of my training so I can perform in pieces like this. Justin Biebers project over all amazed me and all the dancers in it were phenomenal..

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