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When thinking of dance you rarely think of where it has come from and what has influenced it. You also rarely think about the fact that history has had the biggest impact on it. Without American history commercial dance wouldnt be how it is today! Heres a timeline of vital events in history that had an impact on commercial dance! 

American History

So many other historical events in America had an impact on dance! Here are just some of the massive events that created such an impact on commercial dance! Dance was used to celebrate and express in the events of sadness and hardship! without big events like these dance wouldnt of expanded to how we see it today! 

1877-- Jim Crow Laws

.Jim Crow Laws were essentially anti black laws. White people were believed to be superior to blacks which meant laws were created so there would be a division and separation of white and blacks. Never assert or even intimate that a white person is lying.Never impute dishonorable intentions to a white person.Never suggest that a white person is from an inferior class.Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence.Never curse a white person.Never laugh derisively at a white person.Never comment upon the appearance of a white female.blacks and whites had separate rest rooms, schools and blacks were to give up their seat on transport and many other rules were implied. Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks were huge influences to this. This interrelates to dance massively as blacks

1861-1865-Civil War

The civil war in America was a revolutionary war in America in which different parts of America were making different decisions about the abolishment of slavery which caused disagreement and confrontation between states. Abraham Lincoln won the election in 1860, he tried to keep slavery out however some states didnt agree with this and formed a nation-the confederate states of America. 

1848-Womens Suffrage

Women had no right to vote in these days and werent allowed to have a political opinion. Women had the role of housework and looking after their children and it was initially the husbands job to make political decisions and vote. Campaigns started in 1866 to allow women to vote. They were split into the suffragists and suffragettes. The suffragists- NUWSS used peaceful tactics such as protests and non violent strategies whereas the suffragettes-WSPU used violence, broke the law and even starved themselves to make a point. People still have debates on what society was most effective but after world war I the outrage died down and today women are allowed to vote. However, in some opinions men and women are not at a state of equality even today.










1833- Abolishment of Slavery

After over 100 antislavery societies, slavery was abolished in 1865. Fredrick Douglas managed to escape slavery and played a big part within campaigns to abolish slavery. Although slavery was abolished we still come across cases today as well as discrimination and disadvantage when it comes to race

1755--The War of Independence

The war of independence was the revolutionary war in which America and Britain become independent from eachother.

1492-Christopher Columbus discovers America

On August 3rd 1492 Christopher Columbus set off on a voyage to Asia in search of pearls,gold and spices. He was led astray and soon discovered the land of America

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